DUI Penalties And Your Seattle DUI Fort Myers

A Seattle DUI comes with serious implications, including the possibility of jail time, probationary time period, the loss of your driver’s license as well as an alleged criminal record. If you’re charged with DUI and are convicted, some consequences are automatically imposed and could have a major impact on your lifestyle, unless Seattle DUI Fort Myers is competent to assist you in demonstrate your innocence or to reduce your charges – important link!

Mandatory Minimum DUI Penalties

Washington State has imposed mandatory minimum penalties on those convicted of DUI. The penalty is contingent on the fact that you were convicted of a DUI before as well as what your BAC level was at the time of your arrest. If there are no prior infractions and your BAC is below.15 at the time of arrest, then the most severe penalty would be jail time of 24 hours as well as a fine of $350.00.

In the case of a person with only one previously committed offense, on contrary, a BAC of less than .15 is likely to be a requirement for a minimum 25 days of jail in addition to another 90 days of home arrest. A minimum penalty of $750 can be assessed. An earlier offense could be any prior DUI convictions or reckless driving. Also, prior vehicle assaults or murder convictions.

Fines and penalties rise when your BAC is higher or you’ve been convicted of additional crimes. As an example, someone who has two previous offenses who have an BAC of over.15 has to spend 120 days behind bars and 150 additional days under house arrest, along with a fine of $1500.

To add to these penalties, an ignition interlock device must be installed on the vehicle in case you’re in the process of being found guilty of DUI regardless of the first time.

The sanctions are mandatory minimum penalties that judges are obliged to enforce no matter your DUI conditions. When you’re found guilty, you will have very few choices.

Talking to a Seattle DUI Fort Myers

Even though the mandatory minimum penalties can’t be changed, Seattle DUI Fort Myers can aid you in a number of circumstances to limit the penalties you have to pay or the consequences of being convicted of a DUI completely.

It is possible to be found innocent you are innocent, and your charges will be dismissed without penalties if your Seattle DUI Fort Myers can successfully help you defend yourself against DUI. If this isn’t likely, your Seattle DUI Fort Myers could be able to help you to arrange a plea bargain to allow you to escape with the minimum number of fines you’ll be able to.

Call your Seattle DUI Fort Myers for more information on ways to minimize any serious consequences that may be assessed to your DUI.

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